Thursday, January 10, 2008

Nihon ni ikimashoo!

Lochie & I will leave for Japan tomorrow morning and will stay for one night in Narita before meeting up with my Mum & Dad to spend a week in Tokyo!

Lochie is very excited and has learned a few Japanese phrases already!

He can say "Konnichiwa" (hello), "Sayonara" (goodbye), "Arigato" (thank you), "Watashi wa Lachlan desu" (My name is Lachlan), "Sumimasen" (excuse me) and can count to 5 as well (ichi, ni, san, shi, go!). I am amazed how quickly he has picked up the few phrases I taught him. I started learning Japanese in primary school when I was 11 years old and studied it for 6 years after that. My Mum & Dad even sent my sister and I on a student exchange when I was a teenager and it firmly established my love for all things Japanese. I am blessed that this will be my forth time to visit that beautiful country!

Lachlan is very excited about the plane trip and seeing Nana & Poppa - it's going to be an awesome week! We leave tomorrow morning early (Friday) and get back next Sunday the 20th and unfortunately David has work so won't be going but he has been to Japan briefly once with me where we made a 3-day stopover on the way to Australia back in 1997.

I hope to post a few photos from Japan onto the blog as Dad will have his laptop with him so stay tuned and pray for us for a safe & happy visit!! - B.

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