Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Ropey before and after

Lachlan had his "ropey" (lingual frenum) surgically removed under IV sedation by Dr Kempers at Boise OMS today. He did so well and was such a brave boy - the nurses said they had no problems putting the IV in - the whole procedure including recovery took only one hour and Lochie was a little sleepy but very excited about his prize for being such a brave boy - a Darth Vader costume he had been oggling at Target for months now!

The doctor cauterized the incisions and only had to do a few sutures where he had to cut deeper to remove muscle attachment both sides of the midline. I was surprised that the nurses didn't set a follow-up appointment - they said if there is no sign of infection or problems etc Lochie is all finished with them and his sutures should come out by themselves in 5-10 days!

We came home and watched a Scooby-Doo DVD and I gave him the pain meds they had given me and am keeping him on them every 4 hours for today and tomorrow. Lochie played with some moon sand outside and of course tried on his costume and stalked around the backyard in character for a while too! The picture here in his new costume was taken only about 2 hours after his procedure! He is back to his old self already - keeping him quiet is proving to be a challenge but it's a good sign he is unfazed by the whole experience! Thanks for your prayers! xoxo Bi

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